Sunday, January 22, 2012

happy new year

has it really been ten months since i've made it a point to post something again on this lonely blog of mine?

i take time this Sunday morning to do so.

from the last post i wrote, until now, there have been so many life changes that have happened to me. in a nutshell: i met a boy, and i got a job.

and i think for most of society today, that pretty much means you are in a good spot. you're in a good place if you have a boyfriend when it's the winter season, and if you have a stable job in this economy (with benefits!), you are in an especially good place. somewhere near heaven, even.

seattle recently experienced a clash of snow, ice, rain, and more of the three combined this past week. it caused school closures, office closures, and powerless homes. sometimes God likes to show us up, and remind us that he created the earth and all that is good in it. and even with freezing temperatures, i was reminded of how thankful i should be on a day-to-day basis just to be able to switch on a light switch to lighten up a dark room, no candle + matchstick combo necessary. what a blessing.

sometimes, we take light, too lightly. (har, har.)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

stop and stare

I was feeling quite lost for about 15 seconds just a little bit ago, while sitting on my bed. I was doing mindless things on the Internet, the regular Facebooking, checking up on fashion blogs, reading news headlines.. then all of a sudden, I just got lost. Within that brief moment, I didn't know who I was or where I wanted to go next, and if I had a "good" future ahead of me. I know that plans are already in the works for my life, but it's really hard to believe that when there are no immediate plans in front of me. It's quite confusing when you think about the future, and sometimes, you start to lose yourself.

A lot can happen within the blink of an eye. My eyes started to water, but I stopped and stared at nothing. The water in my eyes dried up. And now I'm back to normal. :)

Monday, March 14, 2011


i accomplished a couple of BIG DEAL type things over the weekend.

1. i did something that i said i would not do... i got over it though (this past weekend) and now, i deem this as having passed a milestone in my life.

2. i did something that i said i would do 5 years ago: i've begun the process of exit and transition from my church of over ten years. when i shared this news with a handful of people, i felt like a burden had been lifted off of my chest.

both said and done- i can breathe a little easier now. though the air is a bit different, i think i can get used to it. i'll have to, anyway.

Monday, February 21, 2011

you'd better put a ring on it

It's scary to think that people around me are getting engaged and married. Left and right, I tell ya... people who have been dating for months, couples who have been together for years - a rock on the lady's finger tells all: game over. The pool of single people in Seattle is getting seemingly smaller, and what was once an aquatic center of single swimmers has now shrunken into a kiddie-size pool.

At what age do we start to view the opposite sex as potential life-long partners? At what age do we start thinking that what we do or don't do is relevant to our future spouse?

I've met several people (both male and female) who are definite marriage-material human beings. I strive to be like them, in some aspects. Especially at this point in my life, I think it's okay to want to be "wife-material". If I were a man, I'd want my girlfriend to be one who can cook, who is stable, has goals, has morals, etc. The question is - ladies, are you that woman? Are you one who can cut fruit for the mother-in-law and cook a well-rounded meal for the father-in-law? Do you have money and a sane mind to compliment your husband, and do you pray to Jesus?

And for the men: step it up! I am so sick of "men" beating around the bush. If you are interested in a woman, let the lady know. It doesn't take much. And surprisingly, she might be waiting for THE sign so that she can spit full game right back atcha. Do not underestimate the Mind of the Single Lady. You might lose her if you don't fight for her.

I want to deem 25, 26 as the age of "no more excuses". No job? No boyfriend? No girlfriend? Single and have not gotten much "action" for the past 6-12 months? NO MORE EXCUSES. You are slowly pushing 30. And to say "I'm in my thirties" versus, "I'm twenty-something" is such a huge difference. It marks one from being a pre-young-professional to "young professional," but how can you call yourself either when.. you have nothing that backs it up?

I set these high standards for everyone else and fail to reflect on my own life. This is why blogging helps me, in re-evaluating myself. Right now, I'm thinking, "Shit! I'm setting these bars because this is what I believe is right. But wait..."

*reality slap to own face*


Thursday, February 10, 2011

when harry met sally

Harry Burns: "I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."

Monday, January 24, 2011

nyc, you were so good to me

I recently spent ten days in New York with friends (January 6-16th) and eye-raped the hell out of New York City.

The City is a place full of high-rise buildings, young fashionistas, suited professionals, and hungry people. I was inspired to get on the working bandwagon, or to pursue a dream as soon as I got on my plane to come home to Seattle.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wooden chairs

Did you know that a "hard" fart on a wooden chair is not a smart move? The chair does not compliment the fart, let me tell ya.

I was sitting at a Starbucks the other day, job-hunting and brushing up my resume, with my huge Sony headphones on.. and out came the most unexpected "hard" fart on this little wooden chair I was seated upon. What I thought would come out to be a soft "hiss" of a fart, was totally wrong. Bad judgment. The best part is, I was not even 4 feet away to the couple seated by me who were engaged in serious conversation for at least twenty minutes. When I realized that... I got hot, embarrassed, red in the face, etc... but acted as if it were nothing but the squeak of a shoe.

Sometimes, you go on pretending that things didn't happen, when in fact, they most certainly did. It is not easy to come face to face with reality sometimes (especially when it bites) but how else are you ever going to overcome the things you are afraid of? How else would you ever come to being comfortable in your own skin?

Quite frankly, it may take one "hard" fart on a wooden chair. One fart at a time... here we go!